futUre Sense....
hey..! =]
well,i was w0ndering...
wat wud i bec0me as i get 0lder?? i meant..n0t as a 'career way 0f thinking' 0fc0urse..but as a pers0nality thing..i mean..can we 0utgrew it sumh0w??0r n0t??well..it depends 0n the pers0n ain't it??but that didn't st0p me fr0m w0ndering c0z i have l0tsa things in mind t0 think..simply c0z im B0RED..wua3x
n S0, i've g0t these images in mind..
1) stay as a r0ck bebeh!! *winx*
sp0rting n r0cking 0n thru life! yikessXD
2)bec0me a diciplined 0ld w0man..
with high p0int 0f views n very well frightened 0f..
n0t t0 menti0n cranky as well..hahaha=p
(i g0t this frm an0ther pers0n's bl0g=x)
0r last..
3)just being a n0rmal nan(grandma)reading a st0ryb0ok t0
the y0ung 0nes =]
but i guess.. n0thing is f0r certain in life ryt??i mean..u cant even be sure if u'll live til 100 f0r all that matters..being 0ld shudnt be that bad ryt??=p..
s0metimes i feel i d0nt wanna gr0w 0ld..but then i th0ught..i can't stay like this f0rever either ryt??the bi0l0gical cl0ck keeps 0n ticking n0netheles n there's n0thing u 0r i can d0 ab0ut it..If u see me gr0wing fr0m a girl t0 a lady suddenly than it must've been the end 0f the r0w. pard0n f0r the d0wn statement p0sting,im just human..
0nly time will tell what i'll turn 0ut like..
till then..
.;Rei Da RagaTz:. i'm just human..