

futUre Sense....

hey..! =]
well,i was w0ndering...

wat wud i bec0me as i get 0lder?? i meant..n0t as a 'career way 0f thinking' 0fc0urse..but as a pers0nality thing..i mean..can we 0utgrew it sumh0w??0r n0t?? depends 0n the pers0n ain't it??but that didn't st0p me fr0m w0ndering c0z i have l0tsa things in mind t0 think..simply c0z im B0RED..wua3x

n S0, i've g0t these images in mind..
1) stay as a r0ck bebeh!! *winx*
sp0rting n r0cking 0n thru life! yikessXD

2)bec0me a diciplined 0ld w0man..
with high p0int 0f views n very well frightened 0f..

n0t t0 menti0n cranky as well..hahaha=p
(i g0t this frm an0ther pers0n's bl0g=x)

0r last..
3)just being a n0rmal nan(grandma)reading a st0ryb0ok t0
the y0ung 0nes =]

but i guess.. n0thing is f0r certain in life ryt??i mean..u cant even be sure if u'll live til 100 f0r all that matters..being 0ld shudnt be that bad ryt??=p..
s0metimes i feel i d0nt wanna gr0w 0ld..but then i th0ught..i can't stay like this f0rever either ryt??the bi0l0gical cl0ck keeps 0n ticking n0netheles n there's n0thing u 0r i can d0 ab0ut it..If u see me gr0wing fr0m a girl t0 a lady suddenly than it must've been the end 0f the r0w. pard0n f0r the d0wn statement p0sting,im just human..
0nly time will tell what i'll turn 0ut like..

till then..
.;Rei Da RagaTz:. i'm just human..



h0ws u??
Finally updated my bl0g since last century.. 0r it feels that l0ng anyways..hahaha..
Anyways,just wanna talk ab0ut this recent h0rr0r flick dat i've just watched.came 0ut last 10th dec 2009..kekekeke=p.
0f all the malaysian h0rr0r muvie..dis 1 is the best i saw s0 far..m0re realistic than jgn tegur..h0nest..n its based 0n a true st0ry..=]

t0 make the st0ry simple,its ab0ut da w0man putri mardiana being p0ssesed.
In the st0ry,while she was p0ssesed, she ate the slimy stuffs and guess wat?? she actually ate the REAL thing...=0

Here's her c0mment..:.
She told Cinema Online: "Yes, the maggots were real and I ate them because that's what the character required. It's quite disgusting, the stench. The scene with the maggots on my back is also real. They bit me!"

aiyaaa..bkarih banaa jua ya kn blakun smpai miatu..barigali jua tue..ndakan??=x
here's da pic..

That's her and the stuff she has t0 eat..mind y0u..she really really ate the g0ey thing..=0..der's sum raw egss with bl0od and magg0ts..!!!yack..

This is the pic 0f the things inside her..the usual wit s0me malay hex..kekeke..

Wanna watch it??Feel free t0 click 0n bel0w~ =p there's 8 parts alt0gether..n N0T rec0mmended t0 watch at midnight..n certainly n0t f0r the faint hearted..enj0y=]

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