
Chinese Drama Series

Hey u lots..!!i justt found this drama series n i really2 think its worth watchin', check it out..hehe.(tranah ne lam umah lehnya..wua3x)its starring reinie yang-the one from meteor garden,San chai's best friend working together in a cake shop.yea dats her.She's da heroin.(pernah kna saman sal stailnya sbijik cam jipun..kekeke)nway,there're 2 heroes in this movie(well,its a typical love story u know,wat'd u xpect?hahaha)! 1 of da hero is kingone-he's a former singer from comic boys da chinese band a like wen i was a kid,they're songs are cute!!wua3x da 2nd hero is supposedly his brother from a diffrent mother(in the movie la of course) hahaha..he's name is Mike He.To make the story short,2 brothers fighting for 1 girl.dat's's sick,so its funny as well.wua3x..($24 ringgit ja di komunis ne..haha.aku bali sana..Ooops =X ,SHhh!!!support ori people..hahahahaXD)

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