
Melt The Snow

w0hseh! 9 degree celcius dcni aa! makin sajuk!! BrrRr *gigi katar2* hehe.. ane na plng ku tau apa kn di apdet.. so aku bagi lagu ja lah.. yg sempena makin sajuk ne.. wua3x.. namanya SHAYNE WARD :MELT THE SNOW.. ne lyrix nya.. ik0t nanyi yuk~ pwahaha!!

Sometimes out my window
I notice that you've
been crying over him
And I wonder why you just don't
Kick him to the curb
Instead of giving in

[ Chorus ]
You see love at first
is summer time
That's when you think that
every thing's fine
No one ever thinks it's gonna end
But when things go wrong
and winter comes
You're gonna need to run to someone
Left alone you'll just
freeze up again
But you should know
When it gets too cold
You're not alone
I'll melt the snow

Some nights I can hear you
Screaming on the phone over
something that he did
And I wonder what can I do
To make you throw him out
so you can let me in

[ Chorus ]

I'll, I'll melt the snow
I'll, I'll melt the snow [ x6 ]

[ Chorus x2 ]

But you should know
When it gets too cold
You're not alone
I'll melt the snow [ x2 ]

I'll melt the snow

I'm melting da snowXD
.: [ Rei Da RagaTz ] :.

We have ragatz bebeh on9

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