

Think t0o much

Why i like this s0ng?The,its a nice nice sl0w s0ng..i guess im just in the m0od f0r this s0ng.makes me s0und em0-ish th0', ain't it??hahaha.This s0ng is by Nicky Lee titled Think t0o much.credits t0 bloodredrosez f0r translating it.anyways, this bl0g's music player will be updated s0on,jz t0t u'd wanna n0e=p.Enj0y the s0ng..u can always click the pause butt0n 0therwise..wua3x..

ni xiao zhe shuo ta shi peng you

You laughingly say that he is a friend


dan ni yan zhong tai wen rou

Yet there is too much tenderness in your eyes


wo de bu an ne me chen zhong

My uneasiness is that heavy

zhi you ni bu dong

Only you don’t understand.


ta ba zhan le ni de xin zhong shu yu wo de jiao luo

He has taken over the corner of your heart that belongs to me

suo yi ni shuo wo men bu shi ni he wo

So you say we are not together


shi wo xiang tai duo ni zong zhe yang shuo

It’s just that I am thinking too much, you always said so.


dan ni que mei you zhen de xin teng wo

But you don’t truly care about me


shi wo xiang tai duo wo ye zhe yang shuo

I am thinking too much, I even say the same.


zhe shi wei yi neng an wei wo de li you

This is the only reason that can comfort me.

*Repeat chorus

wo xiang wo mei you cuo guan le shen me

I think I haven’t mistaken anything


sui ran ni bu shuo huo xu cuo zai wo

Although you don’t say, perhaps the fault is mine


tai wan wo cai dong ai le ni tai duo

I realized too late that I love you too deeply


shi wo xiang tai duo ni zong zhe yang shuo

It’s just that I am thinking too much, you always said so.


dan ni que mei you zhen de xin teng wo

But you don’t truly care about me


shi wo xiang tai duo wo ye zhe yang shuo

I am thinking too much, I even say the same.


zhe shi wei yi neng an wei wo de li you

This is the only reason that can comfort me.


my plans t0day=x

lets c..wat did i d0 t0day~?? l0l..

I was planning t0 stay in t0day..thesame plan i have everyday..=p u see,me mum's quite w0rried b0ut the swine flu thingy,s0 we were n0t 'adviced' t0 g0 0ut.but then t0day,me mum's step br0's daughter/s0n g0t married.s0 we had t0 tend t0 the cerem0ny.h0wever,y am i saying daughter 0r s0n instead 0f being certain??c0s f0r a 1st c0usin,its the 1st ive heard 0f 'em=0.nvr even seen them bef0re in me wh0le life.Frantic aint it? N even the pe0ple there are n0t respectfulas they shud be..and instead,they're kinda rude in a way.0h well..d0esn't matter..hehe=p

i met me l0ng-tym-ag0-bst-fren's mum at that cerem0ny n she's saying that her daughter is ab0ut t0 get engaged this august!!XD gud gud news=D happy f0r her and c0ngraTz Jannah=D


me sister's bf decided t0 bring us al0ng t0 the pic with his siblings (NOTE: we g0t free ticket wit free fudXD) l0tsa thnx t0 ya!Anyways,there's this sexy gal in purple there. n i mean really sexy,practically wearing a b0o tube'd dress with strings and dats it..s0 i think i was abit 0ff e c0nci0us c0s i said "Hey Baby" everytym she passes by..hahahaha=p im N0T gay th0',its just f0r fun..l0l she entertains me..pwahahaha!s0.."hey baby,wanna be my chix??" l0l..(N0TE: me sisters t0t i went crazy!!but then,since they're my sisters,they knew i was j0kin' ar0und=p)

At the pix,we met his cusin,wh0 happens t0 be a liverp0ol fan and i think they tried t0 matchmake me and him.But as u all n0e,it aint g0nna n0t intrested n im enj0ying my l0ve-freee life..s0rry..pwahahaaha!besides,i g0t a warning saying "jan ng0rat" and it still rings in me head and m0re0ver,i cant be b0thered.l0l

last but n0t least,
泪水将我淹没 到底谁该难过 究竟是谁放掉 这段感情

我才终于明白 办不到的承诺 就成了枷锁 现实中幸福永远缺货

请告诉她我不爱她 笑着难过自我惩罚 想终止这一切挣扎 横了心说真心谎话

别告诉她我还想她 恨总比爱容易放下 当泪水堵住了胸口 就让沉默代替所有回答

我不爱我不痛我不懂 我的心早已掏空 真心话言不由衷

别告诉她我还想她 就让沉默代替所有回答
Dedicated t0 chan yeung..~


Recent Updates

Hell0o pe0ple=]

I think its ab0ut time f0r me t0 update my bl0g..ryt?hehe=p.S0 i decided t0 change the skin..n n0 d0n't w0rry that's n0t all..hahaXs.I cant say im back c0s im n0t..but i can say that il be updating this bl0g fr0m time t0 time and gud news=> this bl0g is ready t0 run again=D.l0l.

S0 wats my update?

  1. I decided that i need t0 fix my life s0 i made s0me rearrangemnts fr0m the way i l0ok t0 the way i dress.N0TE: t0 chnge my chracteristics is kinda imp0ssible..s0 i still ROCK!!pwahahaXD
  2. l0st my f0ne n ip0d in 2 days in a r0w=[ s0 im really2 upset and i d0 feel at a t0tal l0ss c0s my life's super b0ring with0ut music..=_=
  3. I wanna apologise t0 several pe0ple that i've hurt.I didnt wanna tell u pe0ple 0ff but i just had t0,pls understand my situati0n.Its better t0 tell u t0 give up when there's n0t even a single chance that its p0ssible rather than letting u 0n n giving u h0pe when i think u are better 0ff t0 find s0me0ne else instead 0f wasting time 0n me.ryt? Sincere ap0l0gies again and pls just m0ve 0n..u can d0 it..=]
  4. Currently searching f0r chinese s0ngs c0s i just realise mine are ancient!!n m0st 0f my itunes are dance music..wua3x
  5. Yea,i still have a pr0blem with typing my letter o with the number 0.n its n0t c0s i l0st the 0 butt0n 0n me keyb0ard n im n0t just bcame my 'thing' with0ut realising it=_=!
  6. Best rec0mmended T-shirt c0l0ur is grey=p and rec0mmended dress c0l0ur is purple and blue with white.Best rec0mmended c0mbinati0n 0f c0l0urs is purple with red and Blue with silver.
There u updates including s0me gibberish that i just use t0 fill in the gap..hahaaXD i have new k0rean s0ngs that i wanna intr0duce t0 u pe0ple..have a l0ok=D

2PM - Again n Again
Reas0n: I kinda feel this s0ng describes me th0' the lyrix s0unds a bit grim..hahaXD Current k0rean s0ng addicti0n..

Wheesung - Ins0mnia
Reas0n: i liiiiikkkkeeeee his m0ves!!XD tried t0 d0 the "l0ve" hand signal he did at the start but it turned it!=p

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