Just CrafTing abit=333
Hey feLLas!!
my 0ld camera case g0t ruined..=[ c0s i didnt realise i g0t a banana in my packpack..n0w da banana's mushed up (if dats a c0rrect w0rd) and it stained my 0ld camera case..it has a nice r0b0t 0n it..but anyways.thats n0t da st0ry..wat i'm trying t0 say is that...i MADE a new camera case XD kekekeke..well,its m0re 0f a b0x in a way..but anyh0ws..here's da pic..=p
tadaaa~ decided t0 make a d0raem0n this tym..=p
THis is just sh0wing h0w it l0oks fr0nt and back..=]
and 0bvi0usly the side..=p
i made this using just black n white thread,a bead,bit 0f ribb0n,s0me shades 0f blue felt and pink felt with a metal hatch clip f0r an easy n safety st0rage.n i als0 inserted s0me c0tt0n 0n the inside walls t0 pr0tect the camera just in case it fell d0wn...which usually happens wit me 0wn clumsy being..hahahaha
Why did i ch0se blue n pink?? easy ans..c0s the handcraft st0re ran 0ut 0f primary c0l0urs..n these are the decent 0nes that i can find am0ngst th0se..its nassttyyy...!!but at leasst turns 0ut well..=p..
c ya den..~
.:Rei Da RagaTz:. ..nvr th0ught id d0 this..XD
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