
spring r0ll ..kekeke

hey =p

Rei Chef says Lets c0ok~
i have this great recipe f0r curry springr0lls n i just made it last weds night bef0re my trip t0 wales=p..i used a bag 0f p0tat0es..n i meant a bagggggggg 0f them..l0l.peel all 0f them n cut it int0 square pieces..Here's what u'll need=]

My bag 0f p0tat0es..=p
This is the skin f0r the spring r0lls..
A cup 0f curry p0wder
3 cl0ves 0f garlic..*0pti0nal*
2 tablesp0ons 0f 0yster sauce
n salt t0 taste
green peas *0pti0nal*

All u have t0 d0 is:
1)b0il the sliced p0tat0es
2)In a different w0k 0r non-stick pan, fry the curry p0wder with a cup 0f water and add the garlic and 0yster sauce with it.D0 this until the water evap0rates and the curry sauce appears to be thick.
3) Drain the p0tat0es and add t0 the curry sauce.Add an0ther cup 0f water.
4) stir it ar0und untill the water evap0rates again and then salt t0 taste..=]
n0te: i left the green peas 0ut..hate veggies..h0h0h0!! cant be b0thered t0 put them in=p
5) Then put the mixture in a b0wl and set aside till it c0ols d0wn
6) start r0lling the spring r0ll=p (use egg white t0 make the skin stick)
See??easy peasy..u can d0 it t0o..
gud luck den..try it..its tasty..!!!kekeke=p

.:Rei Da RagaTz:.

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