ramble rumble gramble grumble?? rants
h0nestly, i kinda get 0utta ideas 0f what im g0nna write here t0day,s0 imma put rand0m stuffs ayt??hehe=p n 0f c0urse with pix*winx*i'll just give s0me facts while im at it as well..h0h0h0!!0wkay,here it g0es..
FacT 1: i HATE muffins..n0 matter wat flav0ur,nice ingredients,0r h0w yummy n delici0us it l0oks like..i just d0nt care..i think 0f it as a sp0nge cake..u n0e,th0se that tasted plain??=x but then..i g0t hungry
and there was free muffins at the hallway
it was all sparkly n its smiling at me!!
s0....i..kinda...just grabbed 1....n....kinda.....taste..it??=x i was hungry pe0ple >.<
i was hungggggrrrryyy t0 da max..s0 i g0t the triple ch0c0late smtg muffin n the fruity carrot cake tulip muffin. beats me,i don't know what the tulip is doing there..hahahaha=x i was just planning t0 swall0w da wh0le thing..but then the ch0c 1 was rather nice..its n0t sp0ngy at all,maybe c0s 0f the ch0c filling as well..xp s0 i chnged my 0pini0n ABIt..th0 dat d0esnt mean im g0nna g0bble 0n muffins there 0n..i hope=x
Fact 2: i D0 have few preci0us p0sessi0n..all 0f them were either or 0ver a year 0ld..g0t u curi0us n0w d0n't i?h0h0h0!!!Mind u, these are just the stuffs that i always have with me..i have 0lder 0nes,but i kept it really2 safe st0red sumwer..basically c0s i dun wanna l0ose it,,(if u believe me)=3
i g0t teddy 0n m 1st bday in the uk,that makes it b0ut 3 years and a half 0ld
m dad gave me this watch,its still w0rking n ive kept it f0r ab0ut nearly 4 years n0w
My silver bracelet,b0ught with m mum, f0r nearly 4 years as well
Da evil m0nkey key chain~ 0ver a year 0ld, k0r0 gave me this..kekekek=p
My clinique pr0duct c0llecti0n..i've been using this f0r nearly 2 years n0w..im n0t sure if this c0unts,but im adding it in=p i use these f0r skin care pr0duct as f0r the rarely w0rn make up,i use artistry and b0dysh0p=]
Fact 3: i just l0ve 0utstanding c0l0urs and styles..h0h0h0!!including ne0ns, c0s apparently,i believe in the saying that 'any c0l0ur suits as l0ng as ur still y0ung' hence i actually practiced that..h0h0h0!! c0s i ain't g0nna wear ne0ns when im a nan,that'll l0ok pretty 0dd..s0 decided t0 wear it while im still at it,bef0re i get t0o 0ld...just a th0ught=p here imma sh0w a few items 0f mine,u'll see what i mean*winx*
2 0f my fav sh0es
My ne0n pink playb0y jacket n supperdry jacket
My superdry frill dress and my ne0n green dress(bibie gave dis t0 me nia=3)
Fact 4: c0mpletely and definitely addicted t0 ch0c0lates!!! i have t0 have at least a bar 0f ch0c0late a day 0therwise,id be energy deprived..real talk!!i have packetsand small b0xes as well as treat size ch0c0lates in me drawer. i just d0nt get it h0w ppl can g0 f0r ch0c0diet..h0w can u hate ch0c0lates??=0 theref0re i ban the'ch0c0-diet' w0rd fr0m this bl0g..h0h0h0!!!=p here's s0me 0f my fav's
n0 c0mment needed..l0l
These are my all time favs, but 0ther ch0c bars are als0 accepted..h0h0h0!!=x
s0 i guess that's it f0r t0day,i've been rambling a l0ng page it'll make u sleep it i c0ntinue 0n..hahahaXD..s0 i guess 4 facts is en0ught f0r 2day=p c ya nxt tym then..
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