
Take care 0f my Girlfriend (say n0) & Falling d0wn


im havin' a break..but cant resist, shud pinch mself t0 reality=x
Jz feel like updatin' dis s0ng..its been in my head f0r a while.listen t0 the lyrics..its in k0rean,but with subs 0fc0urse
Beast :take care 0f my girlfriend(say n0)

This 1 is my current fav. any0ne wh0 kn0ws me kn0ws why..right chillaxers??*winx* i practically d/l da wh0le album..l0ve the tune =p
Space c0wb0y :Falling d0wn ft. Paradis0 Girls

Reitunes r0x! at least i tink s0..haha=x
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