
Wales c0nqueer!!!kekekeke


decided t0 d0 2 p0sts t0day..hehe=p as u all kn0w,i made 0bent0 f0r my trip t0 wales!!XD h0w t0 d0 it was 0n m last p0st..kekeke=p..went t0 wales last thursday..wanted t0 g0 t0 cardiff,but my fren 'shy' was 0ff t0 her b0yfriend's at Belfast..=[ s0 in da end,i just went t0 c0nwy and Llandudn0=p

C0nwy has a great big castle and a nice view as well=p and its just b0ut half an h0ur trip t0's s0me 0f the pix we t0ok..m0st 0f them are in me faceb0ok,these 0ne's are the h0ttest 0ne,scenery wise=p except f0r the pix that has me in it..l0l that 1's just f0r fun xp
These are fr0m c0nwy~
way up t0 the c0nwy castle

this 1 is inside the castle=]
the t0p with the welsh flag..

n me c0nqueering da castle trying t0 name it mine!!
Here's the fishing bay,the place whereby
the smallest h0use rec0gnised by the guinness w0rlds b0ok 0f rec0rd is l0cated
Britains smallest h0use
the h0use is painted red,s0 u can see that the space is quite small

These are fr0m llandudn0:
kinda l0oks like a beach res0rt kinda thing,aint it??
h0neym0on material..haha

We came just in time bef0re the puppet sh0w finished=]

This is an0ther view fr0m the seaside

This is the t0wn buildings..m0st 0f them are vict0rian-like

t0o bad we didnt have en0ugh time t0 visit the teap0t w0rld in c0nwy as well as the aquarium there=[ but we had a great time..hehe=p i even b0ught the miniature 0f the smallest h0use..kekeke=p it is actually 2 fl0ored h0use,s0 the livingr0om and kitchen is the same place 0n the gr0und fl0or and the bedr0om is 0n the 0ther fl0or.The stair is steep and kinda makes gravity pull u d0wn m0st 0f the time..cant help but feeling ur life's at stake anytym=x as f0r the llandudn0,they have nice pretty small stalls there,its like ur g0ing 0n a market at limbang..wua3x.there's a cable ride and the tram n i bet the view's great fr0m up there..
The miniature i've g0t xp
These are just s0me candies we've g00t fr0m c0nwy..l0ve da b0ttles..kekekek

i am sure as sweet niblets imma g0 there again 1 dayXD
till then..~
.: Rei Da RagaTz:. Where t0 g0 nxt??=3

We have ragatz bebeh on9

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