
werk peak..=.=

Dear all,

im g9nna have t0 be 0n hiatus f0r a m0ment..but ill be p0sting 0f c0urse..0nce a while..its just that i've g0t s0 much in hand ryt n0w,m0re than i can handle. ive been sleeping at ar0und f0ur in da m0rning and having t0 wake up at 8 in da m0rnin nearly every single me,u w0nt wanna g0 thru it..i've been having n0sebleeds, headaches and all the s0rt. s0 bear with me f0r n0w.I will return n p0st in m free time, but im afraid it w0nt be anytym s0on. i appreciate ur c0operati0n and feel free t0 leave m a txt in m txtb0x wen u need me yea?? i'll be checking 0n that 0ften..=p

till then, cheers=D
.:Rei Da RagaTz:. handing my hiatus p0st

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